vnorderui / com.venuenext.vnorderui / VNNavigationController / showOrder


fun showOrder(forOrderUUID: String, withStyle: DisplayType, usingContext: Context, usingBaseFragment: Fragment? = null): Unit

Presents a view that contains an Order Summary.


withStyle - the DisplayType representing the style in which you'd like to present the Order Summary. {@see com.venuenext.vnorderui.VenueNextNavigationController.DisplayType}

usingContext - the Context for use in Order Summary operations.

usingBaseFragment -

optional Fragment you can provide as the base fragment for performing navigation. This fragment will be replaced with the fragment showing the Order Summary. Note: This is only utilized when using DisplayType.Modal.

Please see the {@see com.venuenext.vnorderui.VenueNextNavigationController.DisplayType} documentation to see how DisplayType affects the way the Order Summary is displayed.