Upgrading the SDK

Upgrading to v0.12.3

There are no integration changes for this version if upgrading from v0.12.0 or higher.

Upgrading to v0.12.2

There are no integration changes for this version if upgrading from v0.12.0 or higher.

Upgrading to v0.12.1

There are no integration changes for this version if upgrading from v0.12.0.

Upgrading to v0.12.0

  • Note dependency updates in the SDK Setup. The changes to not are the // Lifecycle and // Navigation.

Upgrading to v0.11.0

Upgrading to v0.10.3

There are no integration changes for this version if upgrading from v0.10.2.

Upgrading to v0.10.2

  1. Add the defaultEventId to the action_start_to_experience_menu action in the app_navigation.xml file.

Upgrading to v0.10.1

  1. If you are using the SDK initialization function that accepts a JWT and using named parameters, please change the name of the parameter that represents the JWT from javaWebToken to jwt.

Upgrading to v0.10.0

  1. Add the following includes and actions to your app_navigation.xml navigation graph:
  <include app:graph="@navigation/to_direct_receipt_flow"/>
  <include app:graph="@navigation/to_awarded_transferred_experience_flow"/>

  <action android:id="@id/action_to_direct_receipt_flow" app:destination="@id/action_to_direct_receipt_flow"/>
  <action android:id="@id/action_to_awarded_transferred_experience_flow" app:destination="@id/to_awarded_transferred_experience_flow"/>


When upgrading to this version be sure that you are handling back navigation as suggested in this section.

Upgrading to v0.9.0

  1. Remove Dependencies:
    • implementation com.google.android.gms:play-services-ads:18.1.1

Upgrading to v0.8.4

  1. We’ve added two properties to the “global” actions in app_navigation.xml that navigate directly into menu/detail views (See Set Up Fragments and Navigation).
    • app:popUpTo="@id/mainFragment" app:popUpToInclusive="true"
  2. We’ve added new actions to the mainFragment Fragment declaration in app_navigation.xml that allow proper back navigation to occur when a user backs out of an Activity that hosts VenueNext content. Please use these actions when navigating directly into menu/detail views. (See Set Up Fragments and Navigation).
  3. We’ve updated the demo app’s VenueNextFlowActivity (which represents an an Activity that hosts VenueNext content) to show an example of some new logic for handling back navigation when a user has been sent directly into menu/detail views - (See the Demo App’s VenueNextFlowActivity here)

Upgrading to v0.8.0

  1. Add the following dependency to your app’s build.gradle file: implementation 'com.google.android:flexbox:2.0.1'
  2. If you are hosting VenueNext content in an Activity, please make the following changes to your hosting Activity:
    • If you are overriding onBackPressed, rename this function and remove the override.
    • In your onCreate function, add onBackPressedDispatcher.addCallback(this) { <yourBackPressedFunctionHere> }
    • This will allow the VenueNext SDK to properly navigate backwards in the view stack when a hardware back press occurs instead of closing the hosting Activity on every back press.

Upgrading to v0.7.0

  1. When you initialize the VenueNext SDK, if you are using the VenueNext::initialize function that accepts anonymous functions for success and failure (as seen here) then please update your function to pass null as the value for the jwtToken parameter.
  2. If your organization is using the Wallet and would like to limit which ProductTypes can be purchased with virtual currency, please see the following function updates:

Upgrading to v0.6.4

  1. Replace the color XML declarations from previous versions of the VenueNext SDK with the following color declarations:
     <color name="vnColorPrimary">[your-desired-hex-value-here]</color>
     <color name="vnColorPrimaryDark">[your-desired-hex-value-here]</color>
     <color name="vnColorAccent">[your-desired-hex-value-here]</color>
     <color name="vnColorAccentDark">[your-desired-hex-value-here]</color>
     <color name="vnColorSurface">[your-desired-hex-value-here]</color>
     <color name="vnColorOnPrimary">[your-desired-hex-value-here]</color>
     <color name="vnColorOnPrimaryVariant">[your-desired-hex-value-here]</color>
     <color name="vnColorOnAccent">[your-desired-hex-value-here]</color>
     <color name="vnColorOnAccentVariant">[your-desired-hex-value-here]</color>
     <color name="vnColorOnSurface">[your-desired-hex-value-here]</color>
     <color name="vnColorOnSurfaceVariant">[your-desired-hex-value-here]</color>
    • If you are using Wallet and have defined a vn_sth_color, do not remove it
    • Any other colors can be safely removed
  2. Update the following navigation XML declarations in your app_navigation.xml file to enable Experience deep linking:
    • Add the following graph to your list of included graphs:
     <include app:graph="@navigation/to_experience_detail_flow"/>
    • Add the new flow action below to your list of flow actions:
     <!-- Show Experience Details -->
     <action android:id="@id/action_start_to_experience_detail" app:destination="@id/to_experience_detail_flow">
       <argument android:name="showBackButton" app:argType="boolean" android:defaultValue="true"/>
    • Inside the mainFragment fragment, the action with the id @+id/start_main needs the following arguments added:
     <argument android:name="showBackButton" app:argType="boolean" android:defaultValue="false"/>
     <argument android:name="productType" app:argType="string" android:defaultValue="Food"/>
     <argument android:name="vnActionBarTitle" app:argType="string" android:defaultValue="Menus"/>
